Mrs. Bonicelli's Edublog

Hagen Jr. High

Smartboard Helps


If you have the opportunity to have a smart board in your classroom, you need to be sure to utilize its functions. The SMARTBoard can go far beyond a projector and a whiteboard, and it is crucial to involve your students as much as possible since you have this unique and engaging tool! As I mentioned above, I have found some good resources for all of you to expand your uses for interactive whiteboards. First, I think it is crucial to familiarize yourself as much as possible with the whiteboard, so I found a slideshow on the 56 ways to use your SMARTBoard. Find out more below!

1. 56 Ways:

2. Training and How-Tos:

Also, just to make it easier on yourself, I found some really great resources that provide free lessons, games for your interactive SMARTBoard. Be sure to check these out below!

1. 65 Free Interactive Resources:
2. Whiteboard Games:
3. Scholastic Lessons:
4. BrainPoP – Great with student use!

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