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Hagen Jr. High

50 Sites in 60 Minutes (ver. 2) by David Kapuler

Education blogger David Kapuler has created a free slideshow of 50 great sites for education, creativity, organization and more.  Each slide includes basic information about the site, a link to the site, and a link to Kapuler’s review of the site.
Picture 1
View more presentations from David Kapuler
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50 Sites in 60 Minutes


50 Sites in 60 Minutes vol 2

Education blogger David Kapuler has created a free slideshow of 50 great sites for education, creativity, organization and more. Each slide includes basic information about the site, a link to the site, and a link to Kapuler’s review of the site.

Also has other slide shows on this SlideShare channel.

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Resources for Online Outlining


This is a post from David Kapuler that appears in “Tech & Learning” magazine called “Top 10 Sites for Creating Outlines” that I subscribe to.   It listed several resources for “online outlining”.  Some of the resources require subscription fees, though they usually offer a free trial period.  Some of the resources have areas for note taking, along with mind mapping, brainstorming as well as outlining.  I would like to check out two, specificially for incorporating in my 7th grade curriculum.

CRLS Outline Maker

Picture 1

Read Write & Think Outline Maker.
Picture 2

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FedFlixFedFlix is a good source for teaching lessons on the 20th century political, military, or cultural history of the United States.    FedFlix is hosted by the Internet Archives, and is a collection of over 2000 films produced by the US government during the 20th Century.  The topics of these films range  from training films to history, arts and music, news and public affairs, sports videos, from our national parks to the U.S. Fire Academy and the Postal Inspectors, all of these fine flix are available for reuse without any restrictions whatsoever.  These films were produced by the United States Government and can be viewed, downloaded, embedded or shared.  Along with the videos, audio and text files are also included.  This “Internet Archive” is being provided by a non-profit organization working in conjunction with the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institute to preserve historical collections that exist in digital format.

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Simple Booklet


Picture 1Simple Booklet is advertised as the “Web’s Simplest Do-it-yourself Digital Booklet”.  Using templates, you can create any type of booklet on the web.  The booklet can be any size, and you can publish it anywhere you want.  It can be emailed, embed it on a website or blog or even store it on and share a short URL directly to it.  Add text, images, web pages, video, music, embeddable widgets and more from your computer or from anywhere on the web.  Items can be drag and dropped, resized or layered on the page.  These booklets can be viewed on the iPad, iPhone and any mobile device with web browser that supports the touch to flip through pages.

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360 Degree Panoramas of World Heritage Sites

April23  Visitors to this site can rotate all of the images and some even zoom in and out to look at the details of UNESCO World Heritage sites.  Picture is starting to capture and share 360 degree panoramas of up to 275 World Heritage sites.

Picture 5

You can locate panoramas by browsing the world map or by searching for a site in the search box.

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