Mrs. Bonicelli's Edublog

Hagen Jr. High

dotEPUB–Convert any webpage into an ePub Document


If you want to read a web page later when you’re off line or if you don’t have wifi available for using your iPad, you can send the site to your iPad and then can read the assignment or webpage at home or anywhere else without wifi access.   This can be a great tool for students to take content from your course blog or website and put it on their ereaders for easy access wherever they go.

dotEPUB is a free service that allows you to convert the content of a webpage into an ePub format to read on your tablet, phone or other ereader device.  dotEPub can be used as a browser bookmarklet in Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome. In Chrome you can also use the dotEPUB Chrome extension. With the bookmarklet or browser extension installed just click it to activate, convert the webpage, and send it to your ereader device.  For bloggers, dotEPUB offers a widget that you can install to enable visitors to convert your blog posts to ePub format.

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