Mrs. Bonicelli's Edublog

Hagen Jr. High

Qwiki–multimedia information of top news stories or topics


QWIKI  Might be a quick and easy way to present topics to younger or special needs students…

To use Qwiki:

  1. Enter a topic in the search window,
  2. Click the provided links to see the day’s news summary or top stories.
  3. Watch and listen to the multimedia “information experience.”
  4. Use the provided tools at the bottom of the screen to pause, rewind, change volume, show/hide subtitles, and view full screen.
  5. For extended information, choose from the list of related topics at the bottom of the page.




Exploring the Content:

  1. Click the Contents tab.

  2. You will see the transcript of the report along with the included photos and videos.
  3. Click any photo or video to see the original source of the information.



Providing Feedback:

Want to suggest additional photos or videos, or find mispronunciations in the info? You and your students can use the provided form to let the folks at Qwiki know, and they’ll do their best to facilitate the changes.


  1. Click the “Improve this Qwiki” tab.

  2. Use the provided forms to suggest photos, videos, or provide feedback or corrections for the audio portion of the report.
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