Mrs. Bonicelli's Edublog

Hagen Jr. High

Batch Geo and Google Form–Good First Day Activity


This activity could be a good get-acquainted activity for new students.  A Google Form can be created, data collected in the spreadsheet view and then data entered into BatchGeo creating an annotated map.

Resources / Things you’ll need:

 A Google account for the teacher (students will NOT need accounts)
 A Google form/spreadsheet to gather the data
 The BatchGeo tool to map the data

Instructions:    Creating the Form
1. Go to
2. Pull down the “Create New” button and choose “Form.”
3. Add a title and some questions similar to these:
– Name
– City
– State or Country
– Interesting Fact

Note – You could find out: where students were born; the farthest they’ve ever traveled; their favorite vacation spot; if they could live anywhere in the world; etc.


  1. 4. Send students to the blue URL at the bottom of the form-creation page.
    Note – You can use to shorten the address!

  2. 5. Give students time to fill out the form.





Copying the Data:
1.Go to the spreadsheet that collected the form data.
– From the form-editor window, pull down the “See Responses” button and choose “Spreadsheet.”
– Go to the Google Docs homepage ( and click the link with the title of your form.
2.Click and drag to select the data (including the column headers).








3.Copy the selected data.
– Control + C (Win)
– Command + C (Mac)

 Creating the Map:

1. Go to BatchGeo.
2.  Paste the data into the provided area.
– Control + V (Win)
– Command + V (Mac)


3. Click the “Map Now” button.

4. Click a placemark on the map to reveal the student’s name and interesting fact.
5. Click the Save & Continue button. (Optional)
6. Enter a name for your map and enter your email address. (Optional)
7. You will receive an email that contains a URL and embed code for your map. Then you can easily share it with others! (Optional)

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