Mrs. Bonicelli's Edublog

Hagen Jr. High

Khan Academy


Following a news show on TV about Salman Khan and his Khan Academy, I found what a great resource for all topics this man has started.  An online classroom that can be used by students and has been adopted by school districts replacing textbooks and face-to-face lectures.  Instead these classrooms are,  in reality, turned around where students hear the information and lectures at home, at their own pace and then interact with the teacher and other students the next day in the classroom.  The students receive instruction not face-to-face with the instructor, but online with the ability to stop, replay and rehear the instruction, then come to the classroom to work on subject-based activities, collaborate with other students and teachers and work on assignments.  Ever growing lists of videos on many subjects—math, science, physics, history.   Bill Gates had his own children turn to this website to learn some information.  School districts are starting to use this in their curriculum, even to the point of eliminating textbooks.   Check it out…
Khan Academy

Salman Khan on CNN Talks and Interviews Khan Academy


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